
b级电影俱乐部是一个为中学生设计的以学费为基础的课后工作室体验,旨在促进对电影的欣赏, teach elements of filmmaking, work together as a production team, and create multiple student-driven short films.

经典的b级电影,如《世界杯官方app》(1957)和《世界杯官方app》(1959),为我们的学生电影人提供了灵感和起点, 给他们一个松散的大纲,让他们遵循并最终改进.

学生们将面临创作原创故事的挑战,这些故事将被制作成迷你电影和模拟预告片. With student-generated story concepts, 制作团队开始将想法转化为工作脚本和故事板. Students will share their completed features with a premiere event.

Don't Miss The Trailers!

拿起你的爆米花,准备好被我们才华横溢的学生带到新的维度, 在这些大片中,创造力是无限的,想象力是中心舞台!

Henry's Quest

一个孤独的男孩寻找一个正在展开的家庭谜团的答案的奇妙旅程. KIPP卡米诺学院的学生们在短短几天的时间里创作了一部独特的短片.

Good Bye Ronny

罗纳德·麦克罗伊是一名退休的特工,当一个老反派强迫他重新行动并陷入危险时,他试图离开他的过去. Be introduced to this student-made, imaginary motion picture.

Program Information

Program Requirements

The B-Movie Cinema Club meets twice a week for 90-minute sessions. Each semester is 12 weeks in length.

As there is limited space available, 20名学生将根据申请和俱乐部教练的简短面试被选中参加.

To participate, you must have access to the following: a classroom space, a computer with projector or smartboard with internet connectivity, and access to Google Drive.

Program Enrollment

如果你想在你学校的b级电影俱乐部开始制作, please contact Young Artist Program Coordinator Ramon Muñoz, ramon.munoz@volamdolong.com

Your school will receive:

  • 24 weeks of instruction @ 4 hours/week – 2 Teaching Artists
  • 2 Saturday Cinema Club Sessions @ 4 hours/each - 2 Teaching Artists
  • Supplies and program equipment
B-Movie Cinema Club

Become an Adjunct Instructor

世界杯官方app正在接受随叫随到的兼职教师的申请,以教授和管理教育计划的操作细节, workshops, and classes in conjunction with our Mobile Arts Program. 我们目前有机会教艺术家在学校和社区中心与不同的学生一起工作.

b级电影项目的教学艺术家承诺在一个或多个地点工作12周,其中包括10周的课堂课程, a program orientation, and a program wrap up meeting.

At each site, 你将代表世界杯官方app,分享视觉艺术方面的知识, as well as information about offerings, such as scholarship programs, Saturday Morning Discovery, and Summer Art Studios. Adjunct instructors are responsible for operational details, including setting up of the classroom/space, preparing and organizing necessary supplies, cleaning up after class, communicating with teaching team members, communicating with the project manager, and evaluating and documenting class success. It is expected that MAPs are engaging and often interactive, while providing a learning opportunity for students. In addition to MAP, 在提供优质艺术教育方面,我们有许多其他的合作机会.

Required Qualifications:

  • Available to work weekdays (M-F) between the hours of 8:00am and 3:30pm
  • A degree in Art, 艺术史或教育学优先(我们可能会考虑正在攻读这些学位并具有强大视觉艺术背景的经验和/或学生)
  • Film or professional industry experience
  • 灵活地在多个地点和不同的时间长度工作(SSA与我们服务的组织之间的合作协议可能长达六(6)个月), or as short as one (1) month)
  • Personable, outgoing, and enthusiastic
  • 可靠、负责、有条理,有学习欲望和团队合作精神
  • 能长时间站立,能走半英里,能举起25磅重的东西
  • 热爱教育孩子(有小学、中学教学经验者优先考虑)!)
  • Ability to pass a background check

Submit a letter of interest and resumé to ramon.munoz@volamdolong.com

Connect With Us

(210) 200-8201

300 Augusta, San Antonio, TX 78205

© 2022 The University of Texas at San Antonio | One 世界杯官方app Circle San Antonio, TX 78249 |  Privacy Statement